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28 June 2015

VIDEOS: The Lighter Side of Hovercraft Training

If you think learning to fly a hovercraft – especially a rescue hovercraft – is all work and no play, just check out these videos!

HTC flight instructor Steve Stafford is also the founder of Project H.E.R.O., Inc. (Hovercraft Emergency Response Operations), a non-profit group of rescue professionals who deploy hovercraft in disasters and assist police and rescue agencies. Steve often organizes informal rescue practice sessions with first responders to keep their skills honed.

Recently he held such a practice session with Indiana’s Washington Township Fire Department and White River Hazelton Fire Department. Yes, they worked hard, but when training time ended, playtime began! Watch as they take campers on joyrides in their Neoteric rescue hovercraft … and run over each other with Stafford’s hovercraft ...

And yes, he really did get run over by the hovercraft – here’s the proof ...

Just goes to show you how safe a hovercraft really is. Want to find out for yourself?

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(NOTE: Getting run over is not required.)