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02 July 2013

Meet an HTC Graduate: Gary Meyers

Gary Meyers enrolled in HTC’s Standard Training course to explore the idea of adding a hovercraft to his outdoor adventure hobbies around his Lake Havasu home. "I called Neoteric Hovercraft and it was strongly recommended that I not invest in anything in a hovercraft without this training," Meyers says. "On of the things that's definitely unique is that you have to have a feel for it. I wouldn't sell a hovercraft to somebody who didn't want to take the training. It cut down the learning curve to just 24 hours instead of 24 months!" “Understanding the physics of airflow, weight balance, lift and thrust – it’s all important,” he continues, “Look at it this way: would you just jump in an airplane and start flying?” Learn more about Myers' hovercraft adventures in "Arizona's Playground" at


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